After met Fadil at Midvalley Megamall..we (Chebad&Fiza) went to the book fair at addict..actually Chebad wanna search a book entitled 'Rahsia Blogger' that was launched recently...but we cant find it coz we 4got the name of the publisher at that moment..huhu.. so, Chebad deciced to buy it online directly from their blog.., the price that they offer is much cheaper compared to price of the book available at the, we can get 2 free ebooks as a bonus! For those who interested to earn money from your blog.. join google adsense now or visit to other website to get some tips..
what else that we bought?Apart from that, kt sane ade gk ade promotion by Linguaphone...Fiza decided utk amek English course for level 3&4..leh la die bg adek2 die gune skali to improve their language..Chebad plak beli course mempelajari Chinese Mandarin as CHINESE ranks FIRST in the world's league table of languages, with an estimated 1.3 Billion native speakers..huhu..
Ni lah English & Chinese Mandarin course offered by Linguaphone..
Tak rugipun klu can share it with others..if u'r generous enough la.. For more information, u can visit their website, ..Important thing! klu dah beli mesti la rajin2 nk membelek buku2 dan cd2 player also provided inside the bag..apart from English & Mandarin, they also hav other languages, such as; Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,Thai etc..Selain Linguaphone, we also bought some books from Harun Yahya series..be4 diz, Chebad dah memiliki buku karya beliau yg bertajuk 'Kaum2 yg Pupus'..yg telah diterjemahkan dari buku 'Perished Nation'...Ia berkaitan tentang bala yg telah menimpa kaum2 yg ingkar kepada Allah..Buku ini mengkaji bagaimana kaum2 yg tersebut di dalam Al-Quran seperti Kaum Nabi Nuh, Kaum'Ad, Kaum Nabi Luth dll..dipupuskan..Ia mengemukakan bukti2 dokumentari penemuan arkeologi dan rekod sejarah kaum2 tersebut..buku yg diterjemah ini telah diterbitkan oleh Saba Islamic Media..
Antara buku2 yg ditulis oleh Harun Yahya, a pen name used by Mr. Adnan Oktar..
He was Born in Ankara, Turki in da year 1956..His pen name, Harun yahya, adalah gabongan dari nama nabi Harun (a.s.) dan nabi Yahya (a.s.) - dua orang rasul yg giat berjuang menentang kepalsuan...kalu korang nk tau, simbol bulat di muka depan buku tu merupakan cop mohor Nabi Muhammad s.a.w... kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang Harun Yahya serta karya2 beliau silalah ke laman web ini;
*Good news!berite baik punyer...materials from diz site may be copied, printed and distributed, by referring to this site..secara kalu malas nk beli buku, korang bleh bace direct or download je dr laman web tu..videopun ade..
sekian,thank you.. hope u guys enjoy reading..!
tulisan yg baik dari HARUN YAHYA