Back by popular demand, P.Ramlee The Musical ...The Life, The Loves & The Inspiration..kembali beraksi utk season ke-2 bermula pada 28 May 2008 hingga 14 Jun 2008.. Delay punya delay..akhirnya teater tu tinggal seminggu je lagi tp tiket utk booking dah sold, try la gi kat Istana Budaya on Thurs,12 Jun 2008 dgn harapan adela tiket on the spot..tapi memang xde huhu..full book until 14 jun, but good news is diorang baru open tiket utk hari ahad, 15 jun...wahaha syoknye..lucky 4 us, tanpa teragak2, la tu juga beli tiket..syukur..Alhamdulillah..
CheBad & CheTeh..
CheBad & CheTeh..
There are several rules utk enter "pentas bertaraf dunia" ni..dress code mesti smart casual and no cameras and videos are allowed in the theater..huhu..kene pegi ni..sbb for sure takkan ade pirated cd or whatsoever..the show started around 9 pm..dah la duduk depan, boleh rasa gegaran orkestra punya muzik dari situ..disebabkan hari tu merupakan final show, mesti persembahan diorgpn kena all out!
picture taken from
Memang fantastic! Kredit kepada saudara Musly Ramlee kerana berjaya membawa watak P.Ramlee dgn baik sekali. Suara dan gaya sebijik mcm seniman agung itu..His look pn seiras dgn P.Ramlee..mase menyanyipn he received a very loud applause from the audiences, and also lakonan 4 of his wives, Liza Hanim as Saloma, Melissa Saila as Norizan, Atilia Haron as Junaidah and Emelda Rosmila as Azizah...Also starring Colin Kirton, Douglas Lim, Joseph Gonzales, Chedd Eddie Yusoff, Infinatez and Azrul "Cham". kredit juga kepada seluruh produksi yg terlibat..Director & writer, Adlin Aman Ramlie..dll..dari segi lakonan, muzik, gerak tari, lighting & props..esp kepala keretapi yg tibe2 muncul nampak real, memang best..
Well done... what a Great Job!